"Elder Johnson has the most unique scripture cover...Krispy Kremes!"
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
¡Invitar A Las Personas a Venir a Cristo! Week 9
¡Hola Hola!
This week has been amazing. We had a multizone conference in Resistencia which
was fanstastic. The best part? FOOD. The president and his wife are incredible as well.
It´s so so so hot and humid in Argentina! And we´re not even in the middle of summer
yet! I´m pretty sure that all of my shirts will be yellow here in a couple months, but
that´s alright. It´ll just be a reflexion of the sunshine in my soul!
This week I loved 1 Ne. 17:51. I´ve been replacing ´´build a ship´´ with everything:
Invite Argentines to come unto Christ, speak in Castellano, Walk across Mercedes,
Smile even though I don´t know what in the world is going on, etc. It´s been my
motivator scripture for this week.
Oh mom, so only boxes go through customs. So you can send envelopes if that´s
cheaper, and it won´t count as one of my four packages! But nothing with the word
Argentina in it is cheap, so four is totallyyyyy fine!
We have an investigator that didn´t want anything to do with baptism, then the
member present bore her testimony, and she wants to be baptized this saturday!
She´s saasssyyyy and a quick thinker. But we´re so excited! She needs to go to
church more before she can be baptized. So we´re shooting for the 7th!
The members are having a nativity play! I´m a wise man. There´s not enough
active members to make a whole cast, so we rounded up some awesome inactives
and Elder Santana and I are wise men!
I love you all! Sorry this email is short. I hope all the pictures went through! I had quite
the battle with this computer.
Élder Johnson
This week has been amazing. We had a multizone conference in Resistencia which
was fanstastic. The best part? FOOD. The president and his wife are incredible as well.
It´s so so so hot and humid in Argentina! And we´re not even in the middle of summer
yet! I´m pretty sure that all of my shirts will be yellow here in a couple months, but
that´s alright. It´ll just be a reflexion of the sunshine in my soul!
This week I loved 1 Ne. 17:51. I´ve been replacing ´´build a ship´´ with everything:
Invite Argentines to come unto Christ, speak in Castellano, Walk across Mercedes,
Smile even though I don´t know what in the world is going on, etc. It´s been my
motivator scripture for this week.
Oh mom, so only boxes go through customs. So you can send envelopes if that´s
cheaper, and it won´t count as one of my four packages! But nothing with the word
Argentina in it is cheap, so four is totallyyyyy fine!
We have an investigator that didn´t want anything to do with baptism, then the
member present bore her testimony, and she wants to be baptized this saturday!
She´s saasssyyyy and a quick thinker. But we´re so excited! She needs to go to
church more before she can be baptized. So we´re shooting for the 7th!
The members are having a nativity play! I´m a wise man. There´s not enough
active members to make a whole cast, so we rounded up some awesome inactives
and Elder Santana and I are wise men!
I love you all! Sorry this email is short. I hope all the pictures went through! I had quite
the battle with this computer.
Élder Johnson
the branch is having a Christmas play! They always have the missionaries in it, because there aren't enough people to play all of the roles. I´m always a wise man! Haha
Elder Santana and I chilling with our friends,
Monday, November 18, 2013
¡Tengo Gozo en Mi Alma! week 8
Family and Friends!
I hope that everyone is doing great! This week has been just amazing.
So I am so blessed. I love being a missionary. It´s tough, and I have no clue what Argentines are saying honestly.They talk so differently than my companion and all the Latinos in my district.. It´s difficult, but I love it. All the Argentine women would tell me that I have ´ojos celestial´. Wow. I was getting a flattered for a while, until they told me that celestal is the blue color of the Argentine flag. But half the reason why they talk to me is to ask me how tall I am. And then I smile, and they think gringos are so cute, so the moms and the old ladies will let us in and allow us to talk to them.
Many people in Argentina, especially this part, have never prayed before. They have recitations that they say to their ´Santos¨. So when we ask them to pray to their loving Heavenly Father at the end of lessons, it´s always amazing. They talk to him like they talk to us. We taught a grandma named Norma. We teach everyone on their porches. I think we´ve taught a total of 5 lessons inside of a house. And I always have to stoop down under the canopy of the porch as well haha. Anyways. We asked her to pray, and after the prayer, she just sat in silence for 10 minutes with her eyes shut and her head bowed. I MIGHT have peeked a few times... But when she finally said Amen, she looked up and around with wide eyes, and said she felt something on her back, like all the pain was taken away. Isn´t that amazing? God truly loves every single one of his precious children.
Elder Santana always has to repeat what the Argentines say to me in normal Spanish. I can understand and speak with the Latinos in my district... But Argentines, especially in this part, are definitely speaking a different language than what I learned in the MTC...
So the computer I´m on today is super ghetto, and it won´t upload pictures. So I´ll make sure that I send extra next week!
There are poop water ditches everywhere. On both sides of every road. And their often covered with grass. Haven´t stepped in one yet.
I love you all! :)
Here is my real address:
Misión Argentina Resistencia
Entre Ríos 435
Resistencia, Chaco 3500
Casilla de Correo #1
2 Nephi 22:2
Favorite scripture for the week.
Elder Johnson
Monday, November 11, 2013
Dios Nos Ama Week 7
Argentina Resistencia is the best mission on Earth! Sorry if
you served or are serving
somewhere else. Your mission can be second best. But really.
I love my mission.
An inactive family told me that I´m in the Texas of
Argentina. So everyone talks really different
and it´s kind of really hard to understand. However. I´m
working hard and I work my tail off every day.
Sorry this email is shorter than usual. But they always say
a picture is worth a thousand words,
right? So I´m sending
lots of pictures and it will sum up to quite an essay.
This week has been fantastic! I´ve been loving the
missionary work. I forgot the questions at the apartment, but next time I will
make sure to remember them.
Oh! And I get to wear a sombrero! Cool huh?
Elder Santana is incredible! He´s district leader and such a
hard worker. We have been talking
to literally everyone. People are a little less receptive of
us when we are soaking wet and
covered in mud. Nevertheless, we try as hard as we possibly
can and we do some amazing work.
We´ve been putting all of our efforts into this work and it
has been the greatest week of my life!
We can´t really communicate all that well, since he only
speaks Spanish, and I try to speak Spanish,
BUT, we get work done!
Yesterday at church was difficult. Castellanos definitely
isn´t the Spanish that I learned at the MTC. However, I am understanding more
and more every day.
Our apartment is a mansion compared to the area! We have AC
in one room, a fan, desks,
a fridge, a stove, windows and a DOOR! Usually you just clap
at the gate because people
don´t have doors
here. It´s so humbling, and I´m really realizing what matters in life.
The people are so humble, and I just want them all to have
the blessings of the gospel!
We´ve gotten yelled at by a few drunk people, and we even
made best friends with our
good friend Fransisco. I slipped a picture of Jesus Christ
in his pocket while he was hugging
me and trying to kiss me. We´re going to visit him on
Wednesday, and I´m praying that he
sobers up a little bit.
I love feeling the spirit so strongly every day! It´s just
So I am in Mercedes, Argentina. Country town. But God knows
what he is doing! You know why?
You clap instead of knock doors (oh yeah, everyone can hear
me) and there are like, 30 scooters to
every car. It´s incredible! And there´s dirt roads
everywhere. The last couple days have been super
rainy, but it´s pretty fun to play in the mud!
We have a loving Heavenly Father! How great a knowledge this
is that we are his sons and
daughters! I know that the gospel has been restored to this
Earth and that our Savior, Jesus Christ died for our sins!
Love you ALL!!!
Elder (Goliath) Johnson.
(All the members ask what my mother fed me, if Elder Santana
is David, etc. etc.)
Pictures: View from
our apartment window, and Elder Santana made me lunch!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Argentina Resistencia Mission week 6
Wednesday, November 06, 2013
Dear Johnson Family,
Sister Heyman and I are pleased to inform you that Elder Johnson arrived in La Gran Misión Argentina Resistencia this evening. We welcomed him to the mission, ate a small dinner and let him rest. Today we had a small briefing of the fun facts and necessary information about the mission. After that he met his new companion, Elder Santana and they headed off for their area called Mercedes II in the province of Corrientes.
A mission is a wonderful experience filled with challenges and successes that strengthens the testimony of each missionary. A great support that you as a family can give your son during his mission is uplifting letters. In addition to using email, you can send packages and letters to the office address:
Tyler Johnson
Misión Argentina Resistencia
Entre Ríos 435
Resistencia Chaco CP 3500
You may also send letters (and only letters taped shut; no envelopes) via the ¨pouch¨:
Tyler Johnson
Misión Argentina Resistencia
POB 30150
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0150
We encourage each of our missionaries to email their parents each week. Please let me know if a reminder to him is needed. You may contact me at: rheyman@ldschurch.org
It will be our privilege to work closely with Elder Johnson here in Argentina. We are blessed to have him join us in this mission to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for sharing your son with us.
President Raymond S. Heyman
Misión Argentina Resistencia
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