Monday, February 2, 2015


Jeeeeeegggaaaaaa yakayá! (a little bit of toba for ya)
Another amazing week that just flew by.
I just loved all of the miracles that we were able to see thoughout the week-- pimarily the baptism of Lucyia Sosa. I want to share a little bit of her conversions story.

On our birthday of Elder mendoza and Iwe pased by the asijak and diaz family to ask for references. We shared a powerful spiritual expericne in which the spirit wa felt strongly and we invited tthem to offer a prayer to know who of all their friends was prepared to receive the gospel There we head of Lucia.

The path of Luia was long a tough. It has rained so much these last weeks. She lives so far from the church that it is almost impossible to walk. And when it rains, oh the mud is horrrible. So that has been a huge obstacle, having that the mud and raidn seems to always pay us a visit Sunday mornings.
Lucia is such a spiritual person. She is just so happy and sees the importance of the Gospel in her life. I have come to love her and her family so much and just am so gateful that we have been alble to work with her so much.
The afternon of her baptism we had an AMAING service prepared in the pond that changes lives of the fmaily diaz. Around 9 investigators, a handfull of reent converts and some less active memebers that hadnt shown up to church for a long time hadhown up. Everyone, about 45 people.... everone besides Lucia. I felt that I needed to call her,k and bascally Satan had thrown a big bick in her path. I felt completely guided by the Spirit as I was able to speak with her and try toconsole her. The baptism and confirmation the following sunday all turned out incredibly, thanks the power of God that has been placed ewly here on te earth.

Hermano COyipe who had retired himself from the church ab out a month ago (the same Hermano who had lost his twin babies) finally came back! We went to his house and gave service. I love service in te colony. Machetes andfire. What more could I want? The SPirit touched him and he came to the baptism service and cuch on Sunday. Miracles.
We had some really sacred experiences that I want to share with the family I wll be writinga litle home in snail mail momma. Maybe itll get there in a few months.... Haha. Love you all.

I love this work!

Elder Johnson

bautismo de Lucia Sosa.

the little pond that changes lives with Urcino Diaz and Lucia Sosa
A little bit of what I love. I love Argentina!

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